And we're off!
Day 14: July 1 cont'd...
After resting a while we got some pizza and sangria at a piano bar and grabbed some gelato before heading back to the hotel to shower again and go to sleep.
Day 15: July 2
Today we woke up really early and had breakfast at our hotel, but by the canal. I never thought I'd say this Brittany, but if I ever see another piece of bread I might die! That's all we have for breakfast here: bread, rolls, toast, blah, blah, blah. I want some huevos rancheros!!!
After breakfast we caught the vaporetto (water bus) to Piazza San Marco. The vaporetti are really the only way to get around and they're great because they come often but they're pretty much floating hot boxes. I never thought I could sweat so much until we came to Italy. Greece was hot, but damn!
When we got to San Marco I couldn't believe the sites: Palazzo Ducale, Basilica and the Campanile - we went to the top of this tower to see the square. The Basilica was unreal and the Palazzo Ducale was breathtaking. I wish I could of taken photos of the insides, but Tim doesn't think I could have captured the beauty anyway.
The Basilica:
The Campanile:
Palazzo Ducale:
Inside the Palazzo Ducale with the Campanile in the background:
We were at San Marco for most of the morning before heading back to the hotel. We were both so hot and extremely sweaty. Tim grabbed some lunch for us while I passed out on the bed. After we ate I slept for a good 3 hours - I know we nap a lot, but the heat here sucks the life out of you!
After my nap we got ready for dinner. We went to a trattoria and had some caprese, gnocchi and frito misto (fried seafood) along with some rather large beers - yum! After dinner we headed to San Vidal church where we attended a concerti featuring pieces from Vivaldi - beautiful!
We left there and headed back to the hotel. We were still feeling those huge beers, so we just passed out.
Day 16: July 3
We slept in today and had breakfast in our room. We packed and checked out before heading out to see one more site - Torcello. It's a small island outside of Venice where the oldest church in the lagoon can be found (c. 637 AD). It was very quiet on the island which was nice. We got some lunch - yummy pasta - then saw the church.
Magnificent! I'm running out of words to describe everything I've seen. This church had one of the largest mosaics I've ever seen! It depicted DoomsDay and was covered in gold. There were also relics and bodies buried within the church - creepy!
We left the island and headed back to the hotel to pick up our bags and then went to the train station. Tonight we travel to Nice - it's going to be a long night!
Saw this guy fishing in the canal on the way back - ick!
On the train to Milan we met a Scottish couple and talking with them made the ride go quicker. When we arrived in Milan we had to run to catch the next train because even if our train had been on time we still wouldn't have had much leeway. We literally jumped on the first car and had to move all the way to the back through all the cars to get to our seats while the train was leaving the station - insane!
This ride to Ventimiglia was a bit longer. We tried to sleep with very little success, but we planned on catching some zZzZzZ at the next train station - we'd have to wait 4 hours for the next train to Nice.
When we arrived in Ventimiglia we made our way to the next platform and as we ascended the stairs Tim's papa and his cousin Thierry surprised us! I couldn't have been happier and Tim was relieved. We relinquished ourselves to their care and groggily sat in the back seat for the short drive to Nice.
We gratefully took showers and passed out.
Day 17: July 4
Today we unfortunately woke up around 9am after going to sleep at 2:30am =( We had a quiet breakfast and prepared for a busy day of sightseeing.
Our first stop was Monaco - France's own Beverly Hills where everyone's rich and they still have a prince! Tim's papa, Sylvain showed us where he lived as a child and where he went to school and to church - very cool!
The palace in Monaco:
The cathedral where Sylvain went as a child:
Thierry, Sylvain and Timothée:
We had a quick lunch with my favorite - Orangina! After we ate we headed to Eze - a quiet village perched on a rock. We left Eze after a short visit and headed back to Thierry's apartment where his girlfriend - Sandra - was preparing dinner.
Tim and I had a quick dip in their pool and got ready for dinner. Thierry's sister, Annie (ah-knee), and her girlfriend, Patricia (pah-tree-see-uh) joined us for the best dinner we've had so far. My first homecooked French meal! Très bon!
After dinner we showed them our pictures of Greece and Italy. By this time it was midnight and Annie and Patricia left and we all went to sleep - faire dodo!
Day 18: July 5
Today was a lazy day. Tim and I didn't wake up until 10:30am. We had another quiet breakfast and then Thierry showed us all the work he's been doing on the Frémaux family tree. Incroyable! He's found ancestors dating as far back as 1767. The people he finds that far back don't have pictures, but he's able to get their signature and sometimes a copy of their birth certificate.
After that awesome piece of history we went to Annie and Patricia's house for lunch. They said it would be an American lunch, meaning it would be casual. Now since when does hours d'oeuvres, wine, tons of food, cheese with a new wine and dessert = casual? It was epic, but oh so delicious!
From left to right: Patricia, Annie, Sylvain, Timothée, Sandra et Thierry
When we finished lunch Tim, Sylvain and I went to the beach for a while before going back to Thierry and Sandra's aparment. Once there we all showered and then left for dinner! Already?! I so wasn't hungry, but Tim assured me we wouldn't be eating for a while.
We all met at another village called San Paul de Vance where King François le Premier built one of many fortresses. It was a cute fortress and we found a great place for dinner. It was the day before Annie's birthday so when they brought our her tiramisu it had a sparkler in it =)
After dinner we went our separate ways and went to sleep.
Day 19: July 6
We had a super early start today in order to get on the road to the Vallée de la Loire where we'd be staying with Tim's uncle, Pascal for a few days.
It was hard to say goodbye to Thierry and Sandra. They're such lovely people and they were extremely hospitable.
We got on the road around 6:30am and I quickly fell asleep in the backseat. We planned to take a more scenic route and our first stop was a small village called Arles where we happened upon a festival where everyone was dressed in period clothing. We thought they were Amish at first, but it was a parade for some kind of pageant.
We also saw one of the biggest coliseums in the world there - Les Arènes d'Arles. It was in great condition with portions restored and it was fitted to still be used today for bull races and fighting.
After some sightseeing, potty break and a quick bite to eat we hit the road again. I fell asleep in the backseat again. Our next stop was for lunch in another small village called Le Vigan. We got some sandwiches on fresh baguettes - yum!
We quickly got on the road again and I fell asleep yet again! I woke up to take a few pictures of the tallest bridge in the world - Le Viaduc de Millau - and stayed awake for a short while before falling asleep - again!
At our next stop I decided to get some café with Sylvain and stayed awake for the rest of the journey.
We finally arrived at La Martinière just before 9:30pm. I was so happy to be out of the car after 15 hours. We did some laundry and had a late supper with Sylvain's youngest brother, Vincent, and went to sleep.
Day 20: July 7
Today = do nothing day! It's raining off and on outside so I plan on eating and sleeping some more =)
This took exactly an hour - whew!
Que bella!
Oh my Morgalinni, how do you remember the order of all this? Do you keep a journal by you at all times? Wow!
Morgan, you are amazing! Melissa & I are sitting here both reading your blog and marveling at how great it is that you are taking the time to do this. Melissa wants me to remind you both that we are having a big BBQ dinner (for the July & Aug. b'days- Jer, Eric, me, Meli & Sum) chez nous on Sunday, July 20th, and we want a slide show from you! Summer & Mike, Meli & Eric, and of course, Joanie, Jalla will all be there. We just had a really nice dinner/b'day celebration for Jer with Johnny and his family. I so wanted to thank them for all of their help and support to Jer when he was in NYC. Johnny's brother David, whose apartment Jer & Alla stayed at, was here for the long weekend. He was able to stay and eat before going to the airport. What a lovely family! We had a really good dinner (if I do say so myself), and I think Jer was happy having all of together for the first time cause he said, "We should all get together every other month and have dinner." I don't know where we will find the space in our place when there are 12 of us! It sounds like you are having the time of your lives and enjoying every minute, even tho you have had some challenges. That's part of traveling- it's a learning experience. Please hug and kiss everyone in the Famille Fremaux. We wish that we could be there with you all!
loveoooxxx ellen
Too cool Morgs!
I love the story lines and the pics. I am not sure what time you called but, again I missed you :-(
Can't wait to see what's next on your trip!
Love Dad
Ah man, when I read the bread comment, I yelled out into the night! I would have rolled around in the gluten deliciousness! It is great that you met Tim, I'm sorry, Timothee's, family. Keep having a great time and we'll see you soon! Oh and I got your made me feel special!
Dear Morgan,
What a wonderful blog. Everything is so descriptive - I feel like I am there with you. It is so great to be able to share in your trip this way.
Say hi to Tim and Sylvain for me.
Love, Joanie
Je t'aime, mon amie! Tu me manques terriblement!
Hey Morgan and Tim,
Love reading all about your adventures! It is good that you get to meet the people of the culture in all the places you have been, because that seems to add character! You are truly a great writer Morgan!
I love you,
Darling Morgan and Handsome Tim. Just read your blogs for the last few days. Sounds as if you are having a wonderful time. Please give a "hellow" from me to Tim's relatives if you are still in contact with them. I am so happy that you took this trip. The memories will sustain you all your life. Your writing is terrific! Very descriptive, and I love the pictures. As always, you look very beautiful and Tim is Prince Charming!
Your loving gram,
Tim's family seems so nice! I love all the pictures of everything- all so beautiful!! I miss you guys!
Love you!
Hello there! well im glad to hear you are having such an awesome time. Stay safe, miss you.
YEEEE! trop bon trop bon! i want some fresh baguettes too! and who is the sicko fishing! How are the train rides? do you feel like you're in another part of the world? what kind of car are you driving around in? Keep up the good memoreez!
i cant believe i missed your phone call : /
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